Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary

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Saint John’s University
School of Theology
and Seminary

Address: P.O. Box 7288, Collegeville, MN 56321

Phone number: 320–363–2622


Denomination: Roman Catholic

Distance Education Available: Yes

Enrollment: 110

Featured Degrees: MA in Liturgical Music, Ministry, MDiv, Master of Theological Studies, ThM

Mission Statement: Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary, rooted in the Roman Catholic and Benedictine tradition, educates men and women for ordained and lay ministry in the Church.

As a community of faith and hope, we, the faculty, staff, and students of Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary, worship God and celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As an academic community relying on the wisdom of the same Holy Spirit, we root ourselves in the Christian tradition, and interpret that legacy in light of the Roman Catholic and Benedictine heritage passed on to us by Saint John’s Abbey with its rich theological, liturgical and ecumenical history.

We commit ourselves to academic, spiritual, pastoral, and professional formation so we might serve the Church in lay and ordained ministry and thus use our diverse gifts for the transformation of our world.

We dedicate ourselves to a life-long pursuit of wisdom so we might progress in Christian faith and “run on the paths of God’s commandments, our hearts expanding with the inexpressible delight of love” (Prologue, RB).